If you decide to transfer the judgment and issue a writ yourself, you will need to secure a Certificate of Judgment from the County Court, which confirms the amount you are owed in your judgment.
If the amount of money owed is over £600 (including court costs) a Writ of Control can be sought. This allows the High Court Enforcement Officer to seize goods from the debtor to raise sufficient funds to cover the debt.
To do this paperwork yourself, you will need to request this certificate on Court Form N293a, which is a combined certificate of judgment to enforce the judgment by a Writ of Control. You can get form N293a from Her Majesty’s Court Service website or from any County Court office.
When issuing a writ, you will need to either name the Authorised High Court Enforcement Officer or address it to the “Authorised High Court Enforcement Officers of England and Wales” - the writ will be assigned to a High Court Enforcement Officer through the cab rank system called NICE Sheriffs operated by Registry Trust.
If you want to prepare the paperwork yourself, when you get form N293a you must complete part 1 and 3 and send these to the court where the judgment was made. If you do not complete it fully, the court may have to return it to you. You must state the date of judgment and the amount the order was made for, including any additional costs allowed by the court since judgment; the total of any interest that has accrued on the judgment and, if appropriate, the daily rate. There are notes on both sides of the form, which you need to read to ensure you have completed the form correctly.
Once you have your sealed form N293a, you may then complete part 3 and send this with your completed Writ of Control to a District Registry of the High Court with the court fee for sealing.
There is a court fee of £78 which must be paid at the same time the forms are submitted.
Once you have received the sealed writ, the original sealed writ should then be sent to your chosen High Court Enforcement Officer.
Thanks, but I’d rather instruct a High Court Enforcement Officer to do this for me.