Please do not ignore any correspondence as the debt will not go away.

A High Court Enforcement Officer will only contact you to recover a debt once a court has looked at the evidence and decided that you owe an outstanding debt.

If you believe the outstanding debt has been assigned to you in error by the court then it is your legal responsibility to prove this is the case.

In order to dispute the debt itself you should first contact the High Court Enforcement Officer’s business using the contact details and information provided and explain why you think it is not you.

You will need to provide an explanation in writing along with evidence to prove that you do not owe the debt.

You should also contact the company or person you owe money to. You may need to provide clear evidence to satisfy both them and the court that it is not your debt.

If your evidence is accepted, then you will not have to pay the debt or any fees or interest either

High Court enforcement activity is being undertaken in an appropriate, flexible and sensitive manner. Read more about High Court enforcement and Covid-19 here.


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